Monday, September 21, 2009

If you have cancer, chances of survival are better if you're married.

Researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine did a study on how Marital status influences the odds of cancer survival.

They looked at the medical records of nearly 3.8 million cancer patients.

The records showed 57.5% married patients lived 10 years after being diagnosed with cancer.

The others
Never married 51.7%
Divorced were 45.6%
Widowed were 41%
Separated individuals were 36.8%

Odds appear best if you are married.

That is not good news with the divorce rate we have today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'd rather take supplements then take a chance with fresh produce.

Everyday I hear tips for good health. I am glad there is quality information out there. It always gets my attention because I love anything that has to do with being healthy.

Today I heard eating blueberries is a good way to get your antioxidants. I like to try to get my supplementation from foods that hopefully have nutrients in them.

For me to purchase blueberries, I have to go to the store and hope they have them, wonder if they are fresh, free of mold and pesticides, if the nutrients are in the berry and if they are going to taste good. They are in season only certain times of the year and need to be certified organic. I spend a few dollars on them and usually don't get to eat them all before they go bad.

I have to say I find ordering on-line and taking my nutrients through supplements a lot more convenient. I know they're safe and have everything that I need. I have them delivered to my door ready for me to take whenever it is time.

Nutrition Health Supplements.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are the most common perimenopausal symptom that's experienced by 70 to 85% of women.

Hot flashes are caused by falling estrogen and rising follicle-stimulating hormones which are triggered just before or during menstrual periods and more frequently when women approach their final period.

Things that can magnify a hot flash are anxiety, tension, refined sugar and carbs, fruit juices, cakes, cookies, candy, white bread, wine, beer, coffee, processed, packaged food.

What can you do for hot flashes?
2% progesterone skin cream, meditation and relaxation (lowers stress hormone levels), acupuncture, black cohosh, dong quai, chasteberry, soy foods and milk that are not GMO, flax seeds freshly ground.

Soy milk and ground flax seeds in yogurt is a great way to start the day!
For more information about our health, click here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Are you struggling with Acne?

Acne is just as common of a problem for adults as it if for teenagers. The reasons for the inflamed hair follicles could be hormones, stress, or heredity. Many of the treatments that are available to treat acne can make your acne worse before getting better.

Cleansing the face with a mild glycerin soap and applying topical treatments such as tea tree oil or benzoyl peroxide to the blemishes may help your breakouts. Too strong of a product or too much cleansing can make it worst and hurt your skin. If your skin is not extremely oily, twice a day should be enough.

Remember to change your pillowcase often and try not to have hands, phones, etc. touching the area.

Your skin is the largest organ. Your body can show you symptoms when it's out of balance. It can be helpful to increase antioxidants, fruits and vegetables, Omega-3 fatty acids to help reduce and prevent inflammation.

Drink the proper amount of the daily requirement of water to keep the skin hydrated and healthy. Limit processed and refined foods, smoking, alcohol, fats and sweet foods.

A detox cleanse would help get rid of digestive toxins that are coming out of your pores.on

I have always done my 3-step program twice a day to take care of my skin. I use USANA's Sense 1. Gentle Daily cleanser, 2. Hydrating Toner and 3. Daytime Protective Emulsion along with the Antioxidants, Minerals and BiOmega supplements. For more great health information...