Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'd rather take supplements then take a chance with fresh produce.

Everyday I hear tips for good health. I am glad there is quality information out there. It always gets my attention because I love anything that has to do with being healthy.

Today I heard eating blueberries is a good way to get your antioxidants. I like to try to get my supplementation from foods that hopefully have nutrients in them.

For me to purchase blueberries, I have to go to the store and hope they have them, wonder if they are fresh, free of mold and pesticides, if the nutrients are in the berry and if they are going to taste good. They are in season only certain times of the year and need to be certified organic. I spend a few dollars on them and usually don't get to eat them all before they go bad.

I have to say I find ordering on-line and taking my nutrients through supplements a lot more convenient. I know they're safe and have everything that I need. I have them delivered to my door ready for me to take whenever it is time.

Nutrition Health Supplements.

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